What are the best ways to use custom objects in GDPS Editor

To ensure that custom objects are used effectively inside the GDPS Editor for Geometry Dash, consider the guidelines below:

Organizing Custom Objects

  • Create Folders: Organise your custom object into folders. This will reduce the amount of clutter and make it easier to locate particular objects while designing levels.
  • Use descriptive names: Label your custom objects clearly, based on their purpose or appearance. This will make it easier to recognize the objects later.

Designing Custom Objects

  • Combine Objects: Mix several objects into one custom object when creating custom designs. This lets you make more intricate designs without cluttering your workspace.
  • Save Frequently Used Designs: If you design an idea you would like to use again, save it as an individual object. This can save you time and energy for future projects and allows you to concentrate on fresh elements 5

Testing and Iteration

  • Check Customized Objects within Context: Test your custom objects inside the levels to ensure they work with other elements and offer the experience you want from your game.
  • Iterate Based On Feedback: After testing, collect feedback from other users and make any necessary modifications to enhance the functionality and look of your custom objects.

Utilizing Editor Features

  • Modify Properties: Utilize the editor’s features to alter the property settings of your customized objects, including size or color and behavior. This allows for more customization and integration to your level design.
  • Add Effects: Use additional effects available in the editor to increase the impact of your custom objects. These effects can make your level more dynamic and engaging.

If you follow these guidelines, You can efficiently use customized objects within the GDPS Editor, which will enhance the design and function of the level layouts you create.

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